Lots of paperwork to avail payday loans and then faxing documents to the lenders is completely hassleful and people do not want to go through them. People prefer Instant Cheap Payday Loans. Lenders who are attached with us to provide Instant Cheap Payday Loans do not care for credit score of borrower also. The amount that can be availed by the people ranges between $100 and $1500. The lenders who are attached with us provide Instant Cheap Payday Loans at reasonable rate of interest. The duration for which Instant Cheap Payday Loans are lent is up to 15 days. For availing Instant Cheap Payday Loans borrower must have age more 18 year. Borrower must be a working person to avail Instant Cheap Payday Loans working for at least six months. Borrowers are asked to have an active checking account to avail Instant Cheap Payday Loans because all the money transaction for Instant Cheap Payday Loans is done through that account.